Since becoming a member of Independent Fashion Blogger, I have met alot of amazing bloggers with amazing style! One of the most intriguing has been Laura Bray from Australia! Boy, the wonders of the internet are nothing short than great! All the way from Australia, 18 year-old Laura blogs about the musings of a young woman traveling and dining around different cities and countries. Take a peek into the world of a young Independent Fashion Blogger:

1. What inspires you to post on your blog?
I've always loved fashion, and I've always had an interest in personal style and what other people wear. I also get inspired by light, sometimes I see how the sun falls on one particular spot around my house and I simply HAVE to take photos there
2. Do you thrift often if so, where and how often?
Do I thrift! Thats like asking if I breathe. Probably around 70% of my favorite pieces in my wardrobe come from charity or vintage stores. I also own an online vintage store so part of my job is wading through clothes bins! I live in a small rural town that has an overboard number of charity stores and I can't remember the last time I went there and didn't find something amazing!

3. What was your best find(s) at a thrift store (or any other store)?
Probably my collection of maxi skirts or cardigans. I always find the most fantastic outrageous cardigans at charity stores, and they're so good for winter because you can snuggle up in them. I've got about four different maxi skirts from vintage stores in all different colours, sometimes I honestly can't believe my luck when I walk into a vintage shop and there are beautiful clothes just waiting for you to take them home!
4. Where are you located?
I'm located in a small coastal town in the South Coast of Australia, but I'm hopefully soon relocating into Sydney.
5. How has blogging changed your perspective on the outside world of fashion?
I think blogging has changed my perspective about fashion in the way I no longer see it as such a closed door industry. Being a blogger opens up a lot of doors that would normally be closed to you. I've also got to chat and meet some really lovely people that without blogging I would have never met. I think blogs, personal style blogs like my own, have really changed that stereotype that fashion is an industry for the elite. Fashion has suddenly become much more accessible.

6. Who are some of your favorite fashion bloggers (send the links if you can)?
I really love Nicole Warne at Gary Pepper Vintage, not only is she a fellow Australian but she has such a gorgeous feminine style! http://garypeppervintage.blogspot.com
Also Dylana Suarez from Color Me Nana, she has this really wonderful way of mixing genres of clothing, and I just adore her wardrobe! http://http://colormenana.blogspot.com/
A couple of others are Ashley Ording at Fancy Fine, Fifi Lapin the world's most stylish rabbit, Friend In Fashion, McMarmalade and Magpie Girl
7. . If you could describe your fashion blog in one word, what would it be?
One word....thats a really hard one. Salubrious, it means healthy or not run down! I'd like to view my blog as a healthy one!
Laura is definitely someone you all should look out for:
Check out her blog (like now):
Haha! It's really weird reading about myself! I love it! Thanks so much
no problem dear!! i'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Great post!! I really enjoy her blog!!
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